Helping Your Client Understand How Home Inspections Work When Buying a Home

A whole home inspection is a foundational step in residential real estate transactions. However, buyers don’t always understand the importance of these inspections – especially in competitive markets when they’re so afraid to “lose” the home of their dreams that they’re willing to risk purchasing a home without an inspection to have their offer accepted.

However, as real estate professionals, you understand just how important the home inspection process is – and why it exists.

Real Estate Agents are Home Inspection Ambassadors

When you partner with the right certified, professional home inspection company, you become an ambassador for the importance of scheduling a home inspection before finalizing a home sale.

Your alliance with the area’s most trustworthy home inspectors provides all the information you need to explain what the inspections are and how they work. Plus, with your reassurance, clients can trust that a fast turnaround on inspections and the final report keeps their deal moving efficiently forward.

Home Inspections Are Faster Than People Think

Super Inspection Pros guarantees a scheduled inspection within three days after you contact us. Once the inspection is complete, we’ll follow it with a detailed and accurate inspection report in 24-hours or less. When we’re granted access to the lock box or an agent meets us on site, one of our inspectors will get to work.

We’re also happy to have you along if you want to learn more about the inspection process first-hand. Our inspection software allows us to input everything we see (along with repair/replacement/rehab recommendations) into the system in real time, after which we’ll email a copy to your inbox.

Most home inspections take about three hours to complete, depending on the size of the building(s). Once clients understand that home inspections don’t hinder or slow down the real estate proceedings but instead benefit them in every way possible, they’ll be more supportive of the process.

Inspections Provide Detailed Information About a Home’s Structural & Systems’ Status

During a whole home inspection, we perform a detailed assessment of the home’s structural and working systems. In addition to some of the most critical elements, like the roof, electrical, plumbing and HVAC, we also inspect:

  • Grading and drainage
  • The foundation (cracks, unusual slope or lean, erosion, etc.)
  • Signs of sewer or septic issues
  • Siding and trim
  • Exterior doors and windows
  • The chimney and fireplace
  • Exterior penetrations
  • Attic insulation and ventilation
  • Lighting, electrical fixtures, switches and outlets
  • Interior walls (looking for cracks, signs of water damage, etc.)
  • Signs of pest infestations
  • Any evidence of mold, mildew, or moisture damage
  • Landscaping features that compromise the home structure
  • Interior safety features in the home and any attached accessory buildings (identifying if there are enough smoke or CO detectors, any signs of fire sprinkler system issues, etc.)
  • And more!

From the inspection report, clients will know which items should be addressed first, and which ones will remain in good shape as long as they perform routine home maintenance. While homes built 10 years ago or less may not need much attention at all, clients purchasing older homes appreciate knowing which items to address, and in which order.

Inspections May Mean Saving On Homeowner’s Insurance

Home insurance carriers vary, but most want to review a recent home inspection report before determining a home’s premium price. This is especially true here in Central Florida, where repeat record storms have pushed insurance companies to their limit.

The information provided by our whole home inspection report allows us to generate a 4-point inspection and wind mitigation inspection reports upon request. Results may help clients save immediately on insurance premiums, or provide information about the necessary improvements that can save them once they’ve addressed the red flags.

Have a Solid Home Inspection Company at the Ready

Buyers have enough on their plates when buying a home. This is especially true for first-timers who aren’t aware of the number of documents, checks, and balances involved in a real estate transaction.

By partnering with a local home inspection company you trust, you can facilitate the building inspection process for them. It’s one less thing they have to do, and it eliminates the risk of clients choosing a fly-by-night inspector who doesn’t provide the accurate results they depend on.

Your continued partnership with SIP inspectors creates rapport, mutual understanding, and a foundation of trust that clients sense when they work with you.

Booking an inspection is easy and convenient.


Ready to get started? Complete our form or call 386-279-0802 to request an inspection.


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Let us know if you have any special needs and lock your inspection appointment in!

Schedule an inspection today!

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