How High Does Wind Speed Need To Be To Damage A Home?

The start of hurricane season is a great time to ensure your home is protected from winds and water damage.

Although the torrential downpours associated with tropical storms can be devastating, wind is typically your most significant threat.

Even Low-Velocity Winds Can Do Major Storm Damage

Contrary to what you might think, structural elements like your roof or unprotected windows and doors can be damaged at wind speeds far lower than “hurricane levels” (sustained winds of 74 mph or more).

Examples of Damage at Various Wind Speeds

Here is an example of the most common damage associated with various wind speeds:

  • 0-25 mph – Winds this low are unlikely to cause any notable damage.
  • 25-50 mph – At this point, you may see shingles begin to be blown off, especially on aging or damaged roofs. But for the most part, you’re still safe with wind speeds this low.
  • 50-75 mph – Winds at 50+ mph are officially classified as “damaging.”. Shingles will be blown off, and tree limbs and other debris are picked up. Damaged or water-saturated trees will start to fall. At these speeds, being outside is considered life-threatening.
  • 75-100 mph – As winds continue to increase, you’ll witness more damage. Trees will be blown over, some mobile homes could be destroyed, and large projectiles will be picked up and tossed.
  • 100+ mph – When wind speeds get up to 100+ mph, you start to see major issues even in sturdy, well-built homes. You can expect to see extensive damage. Major damage can occur to the roof, and siding and windows may be blown out.

All this is already in motion and yet, at 100 mph, the storm is “only” considered a category 2, so things get worse if the hurricane moves into category 3 bracket or higher.

Protecting Your Home Against Wind

There are a number of relatively simple things you can do to protect your home against high winds.

  • Keep Up on Home Maintenance
    Observing routine home maintenance steps for a house’s structural elements goes a long way towards protecting your home during a severe storm. This is especially true for your roof and garage door. The garage door is already a weak point during storms, so if yours is already compromised, fix it ASAP.
  • Clean Your Yard
    In many cases, the most severe storm damage is caused by the debris the wind hurls into the air. So, pruning trees and shrubs, removing limbs overhanging your structures, and keeping your yard free of potential projectiles – like lawn furniture or downed tree branches – is a huge step in the right direction.
  • Get a Wind Mitigation Inspection
    A wind mitigation inspection goes over nearly every facet of your home, looking for weaknesses. As a little bonus, it can also save you money on your homeowner’s insurance via wind mitigation credits.

The bottom line is that it doesn’t take much wind to cause serious damage to your home, especially if you aren’t prepared. By getting a wind mitigation inspection before storm season kicks into high gear, you can pinpoint the weak spots of your home and shore them up against wind before major storms arrive.

SIP Guarantees Wind Mitigation Inspections in 72-Hours or Less

Looking for a qualified home and wind mitigation inspector in Central Florida? Contact us at Super Inspection Pros for more information about our home inspection process and to schedule a wind mitigation inspection for your home.

We guarantee we’ll get you on our calendar in 72 hours or less and provide you with a complete, detailed report within 24 hours after the inspection. We’re also happy to walk around the home and property with you so you can learn more about how to protect your home from damaging winds.

Booking an inspection is easy and convenient.


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