Discounts for Wind Mitigation Upgrades
Florida insurance companies are required by law to offer discounted windstorm insurance rates to Volusia County homeowners purchasing homes with wind-resistant features or upgrade an existing home. If you’re not getting credit for wind mitigation precautions, you should ask your insurance company what’s available and how to earn MIT credits. Florida property owners can save money with wind mitigation inspections.
Before your inspection, consider these wind mitigation preparedness actions the Florida Division of Emergency Management recommends you put in place:
- Doors – If you can replace your doors – including the garage – with hurricane-rated doors, do it. And remember, during power outages, electric garage door openers won’t work. Make sure your heavier, hurricane-resistant garage doors can be opened manually.
- Gables – You may need your home’s architectural layout prints or a licensed engineer to reinforce gables. If they are taller than 4′, bracing and framing the tops and bottoms can strengthen your wind resistance substantially.
- Soffit vents – These roof vents are on the underside of your roof eaves. They draw in cooler air into your attic and force hot, humid air outside roof vents. Soffit vents should be clear and unblocked.
- Wall connections – Types of wall connections include floor-to-floor, foundation-to-wall, and wall-to-roof. These form a “continuous load path” that allows your home to resist high-wind forces. If your inspection reveals any weaknesses, those are the likely sites where wind damage will occur during a storm.
- Water barriers – Have your roof deck inspected for signs of water intrusion, especially if you have missing shingles. You may save money on energy efficiency, so it’s a win-win!
- Window upgrades – Shatterproof and hurricane-strength glass is a notable wind mitigation upgrade. Interior window shutters are another effective way to reduce damage from broken glass.
Please note: No amount of strengthening your home with wind mitigation features should ever cause you to ignore Volusia County evacuation orders.
SIP Wind Mitigation Inspections for Peace of Mind
Making your home safer and lowering damage risk is something insurance companies appreciate. Wind mitigation upgrades also increase the value of your property, so if and when you want to sell, you’ll see a measurable ROI (return on investment).
Super Inspection Pros can make knowledge- and experienced-based suggestions to increase your home’s wind protection and your family’s safety. Call 386-279-0802 or contact SIP to learn more.