The money you spend for an 11-month warranty inspection is one of the best investments you’ll ever make – and that’s no exaggeration.
Once the inspection is complete, you’ll gain peace of mind knowing your home is built to code and that all systems function as they should. If that’s not the case, you’ll have a critical punch list to hand off to the builder so they can begin work on the necessary repairs or replacements before any warranties run out.
Why an 11-Month Home Warranty Inspection?
Once your home gains occupancy, all of the warranties go into effect – including the one-year building warranty. While other major structural systems, like the foundation or roof, come with more extended warranties, most of the features you use daily are only guaranteed for a year. After that, any necessary repairs and replacements are the homeowner’s responsibility – even if they were the builder’s fault.
The 11-month home inspection is performed by certified, third-party inspectors. Contrary to what you might think, reputable contractors and builders love them. They would much rather have our inspectors find existing issues, document them, and hand them over for repair than face a lawsuit down the road if an upset homeowner learns something is wrong at the 14-month mark – after many of the legally-binding builder warranties expire.
Contactors are ready to come back in and repair or replace items while the building is under warranty, and relationships with any subcontractors and vendors are fresh. The longer you wait, the more difficult scheduling warranty items may be, especially if the builder has closed shop, retired, or moved on to develop another community.
Most Common Issues Found During 11-Month Inspections
Ideally, we recommend anyone who builds or purchases a new home schedule a new home inspection before or just after taking occupancy. In that case, we catch most or all of the items and we’ll note them on the inspection report. That said, we understand it’s a hectic time, and that extra “to-do” item isn’t always feasible.
The next best thing is scheduling the 11-month inspection, allowing us to identify any red flags well before your one-year builder warranty is up. Here are some of the most common things we’re likely to find during a home warranty inspection.
1. Grading, Foundation, or Drainage Issues
The “good” news is that grading and drainage issues are warrantied for longer than one year. However, the longer you wait to discover them, the more damage may be done to your home, including underground erosion, flooding, and damaging moisture infiltration.
Signs of these issues include:
- Evidence of water pooling around the home, foundation, or basement
- Excessive erosion around the foundation
- The remains of post-storm flooding and debris
- Cracks in concrete
- Uneven settling of windows and doors
We’ll let you know if there are any signs of poor grading and drainage so the issue can be corrected before the next storm season.
2. Roof Installation Errors
Florida homes are particularly vulnerable to strong winds and heavy rain (often rain that blows sideways!), so roofing installation is critical to securing a home during storm season.
During the inspection, we’ll inspect both the roof and the attic looking for any signs of installation errors. These typically include:
- Nails that penetrated through the roof foundation into the attic (ringers)
- Incorrect flashing installation
- Poorly secured gutters and downspouts
- Shingles that are misaligned or already damaged/cracked
- Improper roof ventilation
- Signs of moisture control issues
Your homeowner’s insurance carrier will appreciate any information regarding roof updates and repairs, which could also result in lower premium rates for you over time.
3. Random Plumbing & Electrical Issues
Sometimes it takes a while for plumbing and electrical issues to make themselves known, especially if leaks happen inside walls and ceilings or if electrical issues affect rarely-used outlets or fixtures.
We’ll inspect the home’s plumbing and electrical systems to make sure everything is working as it should. As with any major system failures, sooner is always better. The longer these issues remain, the higher the risk of moisture damage, structural rot, or electrical fires.
Super Inspection Pros Hone in on Key Warranty Issues
Our inspectors are highly trained. Their eyes and expertise hone in on anything that isn’t built, installed, or functioning as designed. We’re also interested in your experience living in the home and any potential concerns you’ve had with the home’s design or function. We’ll provide a complete report within 24 hours of our inspection, and we’re happy to explain any and all of our findings so your contractor can begin warranty work as soon as possible.
Are you ready to get the most from your home warranty – as well as peace of mind? Contact SuperInspection Pros and schedule an 11-month inspection.