Homeowners are wise to schedule a complete home inspection before purchasing a home or if they own an older home and have gotten behind on routine maintenance recommendations.
During this comprehensive home inspection, we’ll examine the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system closely. Although it is one of the most expensive home systems to replace, a high-quality system can last for decades with proper annual maintenance.
After receiving our final inspection report, which includes a section on your HVAC, you’ll know the steps to take —and what to prioritize—to keep your HVAC and other systems in top-notch condition.
Common HVAC Red Flags
Once you schedule an inspection with SIP, we’ll thoroughly inspect your HVAC system, including ductwork, thermostat, vents, and other related parts. We’ll then tell you more about the unit’s predicted lifespan, existing issues, and other recommendations to improve whole-home comfort and energy efficiency.
The top five issues we’re most likely to notice when inspecting an older or inadequately maintained HVAC system include:
1. Dirty (Or Blocked) Vents & Filters
The air intake(s) are protected by air filters designed to capture particulates and prevent them from moving through the ducts and back into your living spaces. These filters capture everything from pet hair and dander to dust, pollen, mold/mildew spores, and other respiratory irritants.
HVAC air filters should be replaced at least every three months or so – and even more often during allergy season or if household occupants are prone to respiratory issues like asthma, severe allergies, or COPD.
In addition to compromising indoor air quality, dirty or blocked vents and filters allow particulate access into the system, making it harder for the HVAC unit to keep air moving efficiently. Over time, this leads to energy inefficiency, higher utility bills, more wear and tear on the unit, and unnecessary repair/replacement bills.
2. Broken, Damaged, or Underinsulated HVAC Ducts
HVAC designs have improved greatly in the past couple of decades. So, even if you’ve replaced your HVAC unit in the past 10 or 15 years, there is a chance the ducts are old.
This can lead to ductwork issues like:
- Disconnected duct sections
- Cracks
- Damaged or missing insulation
- Ducts inhabited by rodents.
- The buildup of dirt and grime
Sometimes, a good duct cleaning may be all that’s needed. In other cases, we may recommend connecting with a local licensed insulation contractor who can repair or replace damaged ducts.
3. Dirty Condenser or Evaporator Coils
The condenser and evaporator coils are vital in completing the heat exchange cycle that produces conditioned air. Cleaning the coils is a routine part of HVAC maintenance.
If your unit has been neglected, dirt and grime build up on the coils, preventing them from doing their job. At first, it will seem like your HVAC system isn’t cooling or heating air as effectively as it used to. Continued dirt build-up eventually leads to a professional service call and can cause the unit to shut down completely.
After turning the outdoor unit off, cleaning dirty coils may be as simple as hosing them off. However, a professional service call is in order if they have gone too long without cleaning. In some cases, the accumulated grime leads to corrosion of the parts, in which case the coils may need replacement.
4. Blocked A/C Drains
Condensation is a natural byproduct of HVAC use. A/C drains provide an outlet for the condensed water to drain away from the system. If a blockage or backup occurs, excess water can leak into living or structural spaces.
Latent water leaks like this can go undetected for too long, leading to structural and aesthetic repairs that could have been avoided.
5. General Wear & Tear Issues
In our hot, humid, Central Florida climate, a high-quality HVAC unit should last 15 to 20 years in most cases. That lifespan depends on routine HVAC service and maintenance.
If your unit is approaching the 10 to 15-year mark, it’s likely to show signs of general wear and tear. In some cases, this may warrant a recommendation for a full-service call from a licensed HVAC technician. If wear and tear has exceeded what makes sense for the cost of prospective repairs, we’ll recommend a complete HVAC replacement.
Schedule a Home Inspection With SIP
You can schedule a complete home inspection, which includes an inspection of the HVAC system, with Super Inspection Pros (SIP).
We guarantee a scheduled inspection within three business days after making contact and a 24-hour return on the resulting inspection reports. Contact us to get your HVAC inspection on the books.