Breaking Down The Wind Mitigation Inspection

Dealing with hurricanes and severe storms is a big part of living in the south. Events like these are so commonplace in some areas that residents have become inured to the facts. These are dangerous storms that can destroy homes and livelihoods. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been living with them or how you think you are. That’s why wind mitigation inspections are so important.

So, what are wind mitigation inspections exactly and why should you get one? Here’s a detailed breakdown of wind mitigation inspections.

What Is A Wind Mitigation Inspection?
The wind mitigation inspection is designed to assess the ability of your home to resist against wind damage. They are fairly quick inspections — less than an hour for most houses. During this hour your inspector will look for key wind-mitigating features like the shape of the roof, the roof to wall anchoring, and window and door coverings Your inspector will then craft a report detailing these areas including pictures and descriptions. Depending on the results of this report you can save as much as 40% on your homeowner’s insurance.

Why Would You Want One?
Wind mitigation inspections can save you a significant amount of money on your homeowner’s insurance. In states like Florida where high-wind weather events — hurricanes, tornadoes, severe thunderstorms — are frequent, insurers offer discounts known as “wind mitigation credits”. These credits encourage homeowners to take action and protect their homes against wind damage. They spend less on wind-related insurance claims and the homeowner gets a discount on their insurance. Everybody wins!

Keep in mind that you can only get wind mitigation credits with a certified wind mitigation inspection. Although full home inspections and 4 point inspections may cover many of the same areas, you can’t use these results to get wind mitigation credits. Each type of inspection is important and serves a unique purpose. The wind mitigation inspection can help you protect your home against wind while also saving you money on your homeowner’s insurance.

Are They Required?
Wind mitigation inspections are not required in Florida — or anywhere else for that matter. An inspection may be required by your prospective insurance company when buying a home, but it wouldn’t be wise to skip out on it just because it’s not required. Many homes, especially those built more recently, qualify for wind mitigation credits. That means you get a discount on your homeowner’s insurance for doing practically nothing.

These inspections are valid for up to 5 years. That means 5 years of saving on your homeowner’s insurance for the small cost of the initial inspection. They generally pay for themselves and then some. Even if you don’t end up saving on your homeowner’s insurance, wind mitigation inspections can save you in other ways. Wind mitigation inspections pinpoint the weakest areas of your home and tell you exactly what you need to do to make your home a safe from these devastating storms. You can’t put a price on your safety and security.

Please, contact us at Super Inspection Pros. today to learn more about our inspections or to schedule a wind mitigation inspection for your home. You can also find more information about us here on our website.

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